Character details

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Last Name
Assistant director of research, Clock magazine; lives in New York City. Slender, grey eyes, brassy hair, good skin, wears tacky clock-face earrings.
Reserved Notes

Character cases:

Finalist, Pour Amour contest. Since she lives in New York, she has the earliest deadline. When she visits Wolfe for the 1st time, she brings Mr. Hibbard, of the legal staff of Clock (tall, skinny), Mr. Schultz, an associate editor of Clock (tall, broad), and Mr. Knudsen, a senior editor of Clock (tall, bony). None of 'em are relevant to the discussion, since her entry in the contest has nothing to do with her job, but she brought them for "advice". They don't really have speaking parts.
Reserved notes for this caseShe works at Clock Magazine, and there are a couple of references to a Mr. Tite. His role at Clock isn't defined, but it's clear that he is well up on the masthead. The apparent punning on Clock (Time) Magazine, and the presumed publisher Tite (Luce) is unusual in a story by Stout.

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